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On September 25, Florida’s Governor DeSantis announced that the state would immediately move into Phase 3 of the Safe. Smart. Step-by-Step Plan. for Florida’s economic recovery during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Phase 3 is essentially a full re-opening of the state, lifting all social distancing mandates in public spaces but making recommendations that at-risk individuals take social distancing precautions as necessary and that businesses continue to maintain sanitization practices. Governor DeSantis has also strongly indicated that Florida will not revert to lockdown status going forward.

FSPA successfully fought to help establish pool professionals as essential workers during this unprecedented time. With many Florida residents staying or working at home in past months and turning their attention to renovating or repairing an existing pool or following through on plans to install one, our industry has been in full swing.

However, the surge in our business is not without challenges as employees have juggled family obligations, companies have experienced issues with the distribution of supplies, we’ve social distanced, and we’ve followed recommended precautions. We hope that Phase 3 has a positive impact on your business, while you and your employees continue to follow safety guidelines.

Of the four Sections in the Governor’s recent Executive Order, these are relative to our industry: 

Section 1. Phase 3

All restrictions from previous Executive Orders during the pandemic are superseded and eliminated.

Section 2. Right to Work and Operate a Business

No COVID-19 emergency ordinance may prevent an individual from working or from operating a business.

Section 4. Suspension of COVID-19-related Individual Fines and Penalties

Suspension of the collection of fines and penalties associated with COVID-19 and enforced upon individuals.

For more information, visit Safe. Smart. Step-by-Step. Plan for Florida’s Recovery.

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