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Your hardwork to build an awesome pool deserves some recognition!  Customers will love to hear that you are an award-winning company.  Prepare now for the 2019 Design Awards.  Entries are due October 31, 2018.

Design Awards entry form 2019

The annual Florida Swimming Pool Association Design Awards program gives members an opportunity to enter their pools, spas and water features for judging on workmanship, soundness of design, beauty, practicality and safety. Categories customized for Florida pool construction divide the entries by size, type of construction and features.

Pools are awarded a Gold, Silver, Bronze or Award of Merit based on a panel of industry judges’ review.  Each award winner receives a plaque with a mounted photo of the pool or spa so they may display their accomplishment to prospective customers.

Award winning pools are submitted to national industry magazines for publication and also distributed to the winners’ local media.

A special logo is available for the winners to use in ads, business cards and on company letterhead.

*FSPA membership must be paid in full to participate in Design Awards.
Plates are may be available for you to pick up, call first.
Get Your Plate Today by visiting your local county site!

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