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FSPA dues are an investment in your business!  What kind of rate of return is it worth?  In 2010 the return on investment (ROI) was figured to be 6x the cost at a value of $3,075.  This year new and current programs were analyzed and discussed by the Board of Directors and the ROI has jumped to 11x the cost at a value of $5,630!

  • Did you or your staff attend any free education classes?
  • Have you gained customers through the online search engine?
  • Have you attended FSPA events that allowed networking or meeting with manufacturers?
  • Have you found useful information in the print or e-newsletters?
  • Did you or your staff use the discount prescription card?

Just two months ago a member let us know they used the prescription discount card and the cost went from $400 to $48!  Be sure to give these to everyone who works for you.  There are no extra fees or charges per employee.  FSPA membership includes your entire company.

As the membership continues to grow, more benefits can be offered and more programs negotiated.  It only takes a few benefit programs directly affecting your business to surpass the cost of membership.  The average cost of dues is about $500 a year.  Just using the SDS hazmat program that is free to members puts you ahead!

The FSPA staff are always working to make membership better, safety better, education better, and the industry better.

Want to increase your return on investment?  Utilize the programs and benefits available!  Visit
or call 800-548-6774.


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