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mario rossettiMario Rossetti
Rossetti Enterprises, LLC.

I am often asked to help companies locate exceptional salespeople. The request is often directed at helping to find salespeople who can create brand recognition by selling value and not price. This is a noble, but very difficult undertaking; especially in our current market conditions. Apparently, former salespeople had not been able to grasp the value concept as they continually complained about the high price of their products. When they persisted in comparing their prices to competition they incessantly grumbled, whined and failed. Sound familiar?

It’s unnatural

It is important to understand that it is not natural for most (not all) salespeople to be willing to invest the time and dollars necessary to become familiar with the why’s and methods of creating and presenting value over price. Developing and providing a value presentation takes times and effort. It is an art.

I often ask company management; “Why should a prospect buy from their salespeople?” And, “What do your salespeople ‘bring to the table’, so to speak, that significantly differentiates and elevates them from competition”? If they are the same as the others in the marketplace, who are selling price, they are average and will yield only average results. They must offer something more of themselves than competitors will or can offer if you want them to rise above the pack. Have you trained them to accomplish this?

Why should they buy from your company?

What is different about your company that deserves the primary consideration of the prospect? Is your salesperson able to clearly and concisely explain what it is that makes your company special? Can he do this with practiced ease and through a benefits oriented presentation that will be meaningful to the prospect and his best interests? Is he able to show solid, compelling reasons that will move the prospect toward your company versus all others; regardless of price?

Why should they buy your products and services?

Mentioning quality is simply not enough. Every competitor will also be using the ‘Q’ word. You need to be able to provide persuasive reasons that demonstrate why your product or service is worthy of a higher monetary investment. And you must be able to provide these reasons in a context that offers benefits and value to your prospect; not simply to your ego.

Don’t be shocked. . .

. . . but most salespeople are very price sensitive individuals. Companies are the same. They prefer offering products and services that are either ‘price competitive’ or ‘cheaper’ than the competition. It is easier; actually, it’s much easier.

It is not the natural inclination of most salespeople or companies to effectively sell products that are priced higher than the competition. Therefore, most simply cannot or will not. If they try, they may discover that they will not become successful simply because they wish it to be so. Relying on past brand recognition that was developed in former market conditions will probably not work either. It will take planning, effort and a little financial investment.

If you think education is expensive, try ignorance!

Make it a priority to build a training environment into your company structure. This should be accomplished regardless of the size of your business. Develop powerful and relevant sales meetings that will assist your salespeople in providing exciting, benefits oriented presentations to prospects.

The old saying; “Ain’t nothing happening until something’s sold” is as true as ever. The sale is the key to all business success. Help your salespeople help you.

Thank you!

I appreciate your time and desire to become the best at your chose profession – sales. It is my desire to provide valuable, relevant training solutions to aid you in your search for perfection.

God bless and. . .

Good sales,

Mario Rossetti

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