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By Rob Sanger, Galaxy Pools /

I have been servicing, modifying, and building commercial pools longer than I can remember (since 1975 to be exact).

Boy how things have changed.  Back then the rules were fairly lax, you would have pools with waterline tile looking more like a roller coaster than an edge that is supposed to skim, we had direct suction pools, and only roll-out gutters which are obviously better than skimmer pools.

These are just a few of the examples of the changes that have taken place over the years, some good, some not so good, but with ever-changing technology and an increasing population in Florida changes will continue to occur.  One of the changes I hope will be made is allowing a commercial pool service company using an ORP with communication to supplant the age old rule of seven day-a-week testing. Technology has made this possible and seven day testing is very onerous on our customers and in turn their constituents.  I have had many board members and property managers talk about contacting their legislators and county commissioners.  In this day of cutting regulations I hope the legislators don’t cut all of the Department of Health (DOH) like they almost did in 2016.

Florida is known to have the safest pools in the nation mainly due to past DOH vigilance, however since the repeal of the building side, things have changed.  As I speak to different contractors around the state it seems that there has been lots of turnover in DOH with some of the best people retiring.  What has resulted is very inconsistent enforcement and information distribution.

FSPA needs to stay on top of these changes and help guide DOH in the interest of the health and safety of our residents and guests to the state.

The commercial council of FSPA has been trying for some time to put together a course for DOH (similar to what we currently do for BOAF). I believe this would be a great thing for both DOH and our members.  They would get to understand the obstacles we are up against and learn some from our experience in the field and we can learn from them the problems they face as a government organization.  Open lines of communication is always a good thing and will benefit everyone in the end.

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