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I would like
to share the methods I have learned in my almost half-century in our industry. These
lessons apply to all segments of the pool industry: retail, service, and
construction. I have made and learned from my many successes and mistakes and
would like to help attendees avoid having to make the same mistakes so they can
just focus on success!

I will
disclose my approaches to communication, both verbal and visual. We will focus
on how to effectively relate to clients on their level. You will see the
importance of ongoing education as our industry grows up. I have been fortunate
early in my career to learn how to determine who are my clients and—more
importantly—who are not! This allows you to tailor your style and presentation
to whatever client base you are serving. We can all learn to better enhance our
company’s operating profile to better position us to reach the desired client

We will
discuss the most powerful secrets of being successful. Learn to determine what
your clients truly want and how best to give it to them. Learn to achieve the
highest level of customer satisfaction to create your own client marketing
network. Understanding the value of under-promising and over-delivering in
today’s often disappointing business climate can be life-changing. We will look
at the whole price-value scenario and make your competition unimportant, if not
totally non-existent.

We are in a pleasure-based
industry, so working in it should be fun. Let us keep it that way! I certainly do
not profess to have all the answers, but I have enough to get attendees on
their way to far greater success if you will only allow me to. Our industry has
been very good to me and I am anxious to give back to help you achieve more. I
look forward to your attendance! 

Brian Van Bower  


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