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By FSPA President Jim Bingold

As we begin 2019 I am compelled to reflect back on my time as a FSPA Board member for the Palm Beach Chapter and on the state Executive Committee, but more importantly, on the amazing people of this association. I think about the volunteers who served as presidents, task force members, chairs of committees, and members who served on state appointed Boards and I marvel at what has been accomplished in the last 10 to 12 years. It is truly the dedication and commitment of these volunteers and state staff in Sarasota that has elevated the FSPA to the level of recognition we realize today in Tallahassee and around the state.
Our work is not done yet. The accomplishments over recent years from Chapters, state Board Members and amazing staff have been many. The recognition we enjoy now from Tallahassee and local building and health departments was not even imagined 10 years ago. Our working relationship with other trades through the Construction Coalition on workforce development and other common interests, such as unlicensed activity, has never been at a higher level. It has been my belief from my earlier years on the Board that these issues are better fought by our industry joining in with the other trades. These relationships need to be nurtured and grown through our work with this coalition and our support of groups like the Future Builders Association. Please get involved in these activities. All the trades we work beside every day in our communities, cities, and counties share more common struggles and issues with us than those that differ. We will get more done when our membership number is joined by all their membership numbers.
I remember some past presidents stating “there is strength in numbers” and I wholeheartedly agree. So our work is not done. When we are challenged on our scope of work, as in the recent past, we have more to accomplish for our association and the swimming pool industry. Everyone on our state Board and all the members within our Chapters have a reason they joined and remain part of this association. Those reasons may differ but we accomplish more together than as our own business fighting alone. Each one of us either work with or compete with a company in our area that we respect, from the way they operate their business to the service or product they deliver. We need
that company to join our ranks so we can truly follow our mission statement of Advancing Florida’s Swimming Pool Industry.
As your incoming president I would like to challenge every member to go sign up one new member. Through stronger membership we have a better chance to prevail in the battles to come. Most challenges we know about and work together to address. The challenges, unknown but surely to come, can be better fought from a position of strength with a larger membership. Accept the challenge and watch what all of us members have fought for through commitment and dedication to build the FSPA to what it is today. With your help on membership, watch our number grow into an Association we could not have imagined just a few years ago.
I wish all of you a Happy and Prosperous New Year – Now go get “Your Florida Swimming Pool Association” a new member.
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