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By Walter Clemence, FSPA Government Affairs Manager /

There have been a few changes in licensing requirements for LP gas.

Qualifiers and Master Qualifiers:  

Effective July 1, 2018, the license types and education requirements have changed for LP Gas Licenses.  If you previously held a Gas Installer or a Gas Specialty Installers license, you should have received and applied for your Cat 5 Installer License.  While not previously required, Master Qualifiers are now required for Specialty Installers licenses.  Under the new law, licenses are renewed every three years and applicants must provide proof of 16 hours of continuing education credits. 

FSPA will offer eight hours of LP approved continuing education available at the Everything Under the Sunsm Expo in February.  Three classes will be available; they are Chapter 527, 5J-20, and Emergency and Response. 

The list of approved training courses for LP Qualifier and LP Master Qualifier can be found on the FL. Department of Agriculture Website at

Training Requirements for Employees of LP Gas Related Businesses:

While not a new requirement, this is a great time to remind everyone that all employees must receive training that is appropriate for the scope of their job activities and include proper handling and emergency response procedures. Employees are required to receive refresher training at least every three years.  The initial and refresher training must be documented.  Employees at LP gas related businesses being supervised by the Qualifier and Master Qualifier (for Cat I and V license types) do not need to complete the same 16 hours required for Qualifiers and Master Qualifiers.

Examples of training:

Certified Employee Training Program available from the Propane Education and Research Council (PERC)

Programs developed by propane companies

Programs developed by government entities

The term refresher indicates that the periodic training could be less intensive than the original training, since the periodic training is to reinforce initial training, rather than to repeat it.  Refresher training should review important concepts but concentrate on changes in procedures, requirements, or applications that affect the employee’s primary duties that fall within the scope of NFPA.

Documentation of the training, must be maintained and be available for inspection at the employee’s place of business and needs to include:

  • Employee name
  • Primary job responsibilities and duties
  • Date of competed training
  • Description, copy or location of the materials used to conduct the training, including topics covered
  • Name, address and telephone number of the person or organization conducting the training and evaluation
  • Signature of the employee supervisor or trainer verifying the training and evaluation

For More Information read 5J-20.060, Florida Administrative Code National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 58-See Chapter 4 and the Appendix for Chapter 4.

I am happy to speak with you if you have any questions about the LP gas license or any other regulatory topic.  My email is and the office number is 941-952-9293.

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